Unix/Linux architect

We are looking for a colleague to join us and to boost your career path in the Multicloud team, serving our customers in the Nordics and globally.


Git, Git Lab, Kubernetes, Unix

  • customer consultation
  • Routine/regular upgrades on existing clusters
  • Assist with new deployment
  • Build documentation
  • App level container optimization
  • Training of L2 colleagues


  • Experience with Linux (Ubuntu, Rocky, RHEL)
  • Experience with Kubernetes (Vanilla K8s)
  • Experience with Git/GitHub/Gitlab
  • Knowledge of Networking basics
  • English language (spoken/written)
  • Bash scripting
  • experience with VMware vSphere is advantage
  • Experience with CICD deployment is advantage
  • Experience with Markdown, Python, Terraform, Ansible, Cluster shell, GO lang is advantage
  • Experience with EFK stack (Elasticsearch, fluentd, Kibana),
  • Grafana / Prometheus / Alertmanager is advantage
  • RHSCA / CKA / RCA (certifications) is advantage


  • The contract is for an indefinite period of time. We count on you!
  • Work partially or completely remote. Work from wherever it suits you.
  • Extra holidays. We have 25 days off plus 2 sick days.
  • We contribute from 10 400 CZK per year. You name it. Choose from contributions for pension and life insurance, sports, culture, health, travel or education in the cafeteria.
  • Educate yourself. We regularly organise and pay for IT courses, certifications, language training and personal development courses.
  • 107 CZK meal allowance on top of your salary.
  • Reward for a new colleague.
  • We’ll support you when you’re sick. For colleagues who are seriously ill for a long period of time, we contribute to sick pay in excess of the law.
  • Extra work is appreciated. When overtime is needed, we pay more than the law requires.
  • Stay fit and fresh. In Ostrava, use the free fitness facilities in the building, in other locations, do sports with Multisport.
  • Nordic culture. At Tietoevry, we believe in you. No one is breathing down your neck and checking every minute of your work. We are friendly and open

S touto pozicí vám pomůže:

Ivana Němcová

T: +420 724 478 675